Tag : dog walkers

Appropriate dog play

Dog- dog play can be difficult for us as owners to know if it's good play for both parties involved. Some dogs are quiet and gentle while others are robust, boisterous and noisey. There is a simple way to know if your dog is having appropriate play by following MARS. M- meta signals A- activity shifts R- role reversal S- self handicapping Meta signals are indicative actions that suggest play, look for play bows

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Unknown risks of leaving your dog on its own

It must be fair to say that nobody likes leaving their dog on its own. But in many cases, we often fail to look at the real reasons why leaving your dog is bad and the huge negative consequences it can have on your pet's mental wellbeing. So here are three of those unknown reasons why you shouldn’t leave your dog on its own. 1. They get stressed Have you ever wondered why your dog pees on the floor while you’re a

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The trick to returning your dog’s love

Your dog really does love you – and now it’s been proven that he can’t help it. According to a study released in Scientific Reports, dogs are genetically programmed to love humans. The findings were the result of a test which saw 100 beagles faced with trying to access food. The grub was placed in three boxes with transparent lids, one of which was bolted shut so that the pooches couldn’t get to it. The study

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